Are You Media-Illiterate? Can Media Literacy Be Taught?

Did you know that in 2017, in a study of 1500 Americans, only 10% of those surveyed were able to discern between real news stories and fabricated stories? By 2030, says the WHO, that fake news sources may actually outnumber vetted sources. Alarmed? Well, that may not be completely unfounded, but the above statistics are …

7 Do’s and Don’ts on FB Pages

I think you will agree with me that if you are a blogger or a small business, it’s super-crucial to have a Facebook page. Having an FB page is one of the best ways to build a community for your brand (personal or business) and also to connect with potential customers. However, you need to …

‘The Social Dilemma’ and the Five Books that feature in the Documentary

The Social Dilemma reiterates the fears about the impact of social media that many critics have harbored for years. From invading privacy to causing distractions, social networking sites and apps present a quagmire of contortions for both users and policy-makers. The lesson is simple. Be skeptical of what pops up on your screen. Don’t fall for what …

Book Review | The Dragonfly Effect

Given the mind-numbing pace of media proliferation, reaching the target audience and the end-user is a bigger challenge than ever. The task has become especially daunting for small-and-mid sized business which can’t spend a fortune on advertising and of course, not-for-profit organizations which can’t afford to drown in the sea of multiplicity on TV. Considering …

Book Review | The Art of Social Media

I will say this about Guy Kawasaki’s ‘The Art of Social Media’: It is the best primer to get kicking on social media. Somehow, I never came around to reading any of Guy Kawasaki’s previous books. For the uninitiated (if there are any), Guy is a leading authority on social media, a pioneer of blogging …

Bye-Bye, StumbleUpon!

I don’t remember exactly when but it was sometime in the mid-2000s when I stumbled upon StumbleUpon, no pun intended. StumbleUpon was one of the forerunners in the content discovery business. Garrett Camp, a grad student at the University of Calgary, along with a couple of his friends, created StumbleUpon in November 2001. The other …

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